As I reflect
on these last 15 weeks in class Reading 25, I feel kind of proud of myself.
This is my second class completed in college. It took me a while to warm up to
the routine of doing my work, but at the end I really got on the ball with
keeping up. Now when I look back and compare my first entrance test, to the
last final test on Townsend and Press, I see I did improve. It’s only a couple
of points higher, but the rise in score with the main idea of paragraphs I’m
totally pleased with. There is still room for improvement, but I feel I did
accomplish something with those few higher points. What I will make sure I do
in my next class is organized more of my time, for the class I choice. Just to
make sure all the time in that class is used proficiently. The book of my choice for this class reading
was “THE HELP”. I kind of wish I had read the book before I saw the movie, because
it ruined the good reading for me. Me loving to read, it was hard to keep my
attention, because I already knew the main plot, and ending. The book was
simply excellent in my opinion.
You should apply all that you've learned about reading in your future classess. Remember, you can always visit the Reading Center for any reading assistance that you need. I also hope to see you in another reading class in Spring 2013.